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Sourcing & Development

With our infrastructure of overseas suppliers we can manufacture a wide range of garments, accessories and merchandise.

We have teams on the ground in both India and China to ensure strict quality control. Our sourcing teams also ensure factories hold current compliance certifications and comply with our high level of ethical and moral codes of conduct.

Sales & Distribution

We have built brands from scratch into multi-million dollar companies and sell our in-house brands through over 3000+ stores and 15 countries worldwide. 

We work with numerous high-profile online and physical retailer chains both locally and internationally. We have a network of sales agents, reps, licencees and distributors.

If you want your brand to be seen in the right places and be at the forefront of fashion you have come to the right place.


Merchandise & Design

Our design team can assist you in every step of the production process. From brainstorming an initial idea or sketch into the perfect finished product.

We have in-house DTG (Direct To Garment) and Screen Printing capabilities for small runs or urgent orders. Combined with our overseas factories for custom and bulk production we really are a one-stop shop. 

Consulting & Presentations

Our team has over 20+ years in fashion, sales and design experience. 

They have presented at numerous school, colleges, universities and conducted workshops with councils and business groups.


KTH can also offer one-on-one consulting and mentoring to help you implement the correct strategies to take your business to the next level.


Get in touch with us today.

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